Through roundtable discussions, workshop participants identified the following topics as high priority areas of research:

1. Modeling to accelerate materials and process development

2. Next-generation conductive materials

3. Smart manufacturing/digital thread of materials

4. Joining of dissimilar materials

5. Reinventing Qualification

6. Nondestructive evaluation

7. Smart materials


Content from the workshop is available in the final report which can be freely downloaded from the TMS website. It has also been made available in hardcopy form to all attendees of the workshop, as well as other stakeholders and groups selected by the organizers.


MForesight’s overarching vision is to accelerate technological innovation and align R&D opportunities with national priorities to enhance U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, with a focus on next generation technologies that will strengthen U.S. manufacturing. Professional societies can play an important role to help achieve this vision, particularly by convening key stakeholders through workshops and producing and disseminating reports to guide the community in the development of gamechanging manufacturing technologies of the future. This MForesight workshop, convened in collaboration with TMS, is focused on forecasting and harnessing major materials science and engineering (MS&E) innovations that will unlock new opportunities for the next wave of manufacturing.

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Workshop Agenda




8:15 – 8:45 AM

Workshop Registration and Badge Pick-up

8:45 – 9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Plenary Session: GE Perspectives on Material-Manufacturing Innovations and Intersections, Dr. Luana Iorio, General Manager, Materials & Process Engineering, GE Aviation

10:00 – 10:15 AM


10:15 – 11:30 AM

Identifying Opportunity Areas for Large Societal Benefits, that are Enabled by Manufacturing Breakthroughs

Focus Question: What are the most significant opportunities for materials innovations to unlock the next wave of U.S. manufacturing?

Evaluation criteria for game-changing opportunities:

1. Leads to manufacturing process improvement in next 5-10 years

2. Provides taxpayer return on investment (ROI)

3. Requires public support for pre-competitive investment

4. Favors U.S. advantage using existing/available resources

11:30 – 12:30 PM


12:30 – 2:30 PM

Breakout Sessions: Identify Recommendations for Addressing Top-Priority Opportunities

Focus Questions:

1. What recommended actions or technology breakthroughs can allow U.S. Manufacturers to capture this opportunity?

2. Why should we invest in this opportunity area, and the recommended technology breakthroughs (e.g., economic impacts, other societal impacts)?

2:30 – 3:00 PM


3:00 – 3:45 PM


3:45 – 4:00 PM

Closing Remarks & Next Steps


Thank you to all the participants!

Iver Anderson, Senior Metallurgist & Adjunct Professor, Ames Laboratory & Iowa State University

Kevin Anderson, Brunswick Senior Fellow, Brunswick Corporation

Craig Brice, Research Scientist, Lockheed Martin Space Systems

Brett Conner, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dept.; Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Initiatives, Youngstown State University

Glenn Daehn, Fontana Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; Executive Director of the Ohio Manufacturing Institute; MForesight, Leadership Council member

Ryan DeHoff, Deposition Science and Technology Group Leader, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Susan Fiore, Advanced Applications Manager, Hobart Brothers Company

Richard Fonda, Program Officer (ONR) & Section Head (NRL), Office of Naval Research (ONR) & Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

Kathy Flores, Professor and Associate Director of Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Washington University of St. Louis

Erica Fuchs, Professor, Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

Adam Hehr, Research Engineer, Fabrisonic LLC

Ed Herderick, Director, Additive Manufacturing, Ohio State University Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence (CDME)

Luana Iorio, General Manager, Materials & Process Engineering, GE Aviation

Matthew Kiser, Steel Technology Steward, Caterpillar Inc.

Robert Klug, Consulting Engineer, Solar Turbines

Martin Koerdel, Research Group Head, Siemens Energy

John Lewandowski, Arthur P Armington Professor of Engineering; Director – Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center, Case Western Reserve University

Alexis Lewis, Program Director, National Science Foundation

Todd Palmer, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics; Director of CISP, Pennsylvania State University

Tresa Pollock, ALCOA Distinguished Professor, Materials, University of California at Santa Barbara

Manuel Marya, Materials Engineering Manager & Principal Engineer, Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Bryce Meredig, Co-founder and Chief Scientist, Citrine Informatics

Mark Norfolk, Research Engineer, Fabrisonic LLC

Warren Poole, Professor and Department Head; Rio Tinto Alcan Chair in Materials Process Engineering, University of British Columbia

Siddiq Qidwai, Program Director, National Science Foundation

Babak Raeisinia, Scientist, Novelis

Mark Rhoads, Consulting Engineer, Materials, GE Aviation

Brian Rosenberger, Fellow, Advanced Manufacturing & Materials, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

Ken Sandhage, Reilly Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University

Andrew Sherman Founder, President & CEO, Powdermet Inc

Neeraj Thirumalai, Materials Integrity and Performance; Corporate Strategic Research, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering

Tia Benson Tolle, Director, Materials and Fabrication, BCA Product Development, Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Chuck Ward, Chief, Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies Division, Air Force Research Laboratory

Emma White, Associate Scientist, Iowa State University & Ames Laboratory

Lloyd Whitman, Acting Leader, Technology and Innovation Division, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Jennifer Wolk, Program Officer, Office of Naval Research

JC Zhao, Professor and Associate Chair, Materials Science Engineering (The Ohio State University); Program Director (DOE – ARPA-E)

MForesight’s work was supported by the National Science Foundation from 2015 to 2020 under Grant No. 1552534 to the University of Michigan (Dr. Sridhar Kota).

Please note that any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Michigan.

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